Introducing a New Dog To Your Cat – Encouraging Coexistance

Creating a harmonious “blended family” with your dog and cat requires some planning, patience and careful guidance.  When introducing a new dog to your cat, you must remember that dogs can easily injure a cat, even if they are only playing. When you introduce pets to each other, it is common for one pet to send “play” signals that can be misinterpreted by the other animal. This is especially true when dealing with cats and dogs since different species give off different signals.  If those signals, no matter the initiator’s intention, are interpreted as aggressive by one animal, the introduction should be stopped immediately. It is also important to remember that some dogs have a very high prey drive and should never be left alone with a cat.

Before bringing a new dog into a home with an existing cat, be sure to do the following:

  • Create a safe place for your cat. Your cat’s safe place should be a spot where your dog cannot get to. Your cat should have a “safe” place in every room, even if it is on top of a piece of furniture. The use of baby gates and cat doors is often very helpful!
  • Put your cat’s litter box in a safe area. Many dogs eat cat feces and, if the dog decides to approach the cat while in the litter box, the cat may become afraid and begin to urinate elsewhere in the house, since they may now see the litter box as unsafe.
  • Keep the cat’s food and water dish in a safe place. Your cat may be territorial of its food area and, if the new dog intrudes into this area, it could create negative energy resulting in aggressive behaviour.
  • Determine if your new dog understands basic commands. Basic commands such as “sit”, “stay” and “leave it” are very helpful during a time of introduction.
  • Provide a safe place for your dog.  Giving your new dog his own spot can help build nervous dog’s confidence in the event that the cat is showing aggression.  It also is important that each pet has their own private area when not supervised.

Steps for a proper introduction:

  • Begin by exercising your dog and give him a nice meal; this will encourage a positive relaxed atmosphere.
  • Put your cat in a safe place with a closed door. Allow the dog to roam the house for about 45 minutes; this will allow the dog to “meet” the cat by smell only. Next, allow your cat to “meet” your dog by smell only by taking your dog out for a walk and allowing your cat to roam freely around the areas where the dog has been.
  • Begin physical introductions by putting your dog on a short leash. Another option is to physically attach the dog to your belt for the first few days.  This will allow you to make a quick correction if he starts to chase the cat. It will also allow you to bond with your new dog – everywhere you go, they go!  Be ready with lots of treats for good behaviour!
  • It is important to remember that your cat’s first reaction will likely be to hiss and/or run – this is perfectly normal!
  • Let your dog and cat check each other out at a distance – through a door or baby gate is best. Pet and talk to your dog soothingly, reassuring him that everything is ok. If possible have someone reassure your cat also. Don’t forget to reward good behaviour.
  • If your dog bolts toward your cat, correct him with the leash, and use the “sit” or “leave it” command. If he shows any signs of excessive excitability, calm him. If this doesn’t do the trick, cut the visit short and try again later. Praise the dog or give a treat the moment that he complies and changes his behaviour.
  • Repeat these steps in short visits several times a day, gradually giving your dog more leeway with the leash as appropriate.

It is important to have several consecutive days of incident-free visits. Do not move to the next step until both animals have demonstrated to your satisfaction that they are comfortable with one another.

Once your dog and cat continue their good behaviour with steady improvement during leashed visits, you are ready for the next step of letting go of the leash. Be prepared to grab or step on the leash if your dog attempts to chase.  If the cat swats the dog on the nose, distract the dog with a toy, but don’t punish the cat as this is a natural response. Often, all it takes is one swat from the cat for a dog to learn its lesson.  Next, take your dog off the leash and supervise the two closely. If you see problems and they aren’t resolved with a few simple voice commands, go back to the previous step for a few days. Gradually make the no-leash sessions longer. Do not leave the cat and dog alone until you’re sure they’re both fully comfortable with each other.

Some extra tips to help create a positive introduction:

  • Until you know your dog and cat can share meal time peacefully, a trick you can use to help is to separate them on either side of a door, screen, or baby gate and allow them to take part in meal time together. This will allow them to associate something enjoyable with the other’s “smell” while eating.
  • Swap their bedding so that they get used to each other’s “smell” during down times.
  • Be sure that both the cat and the dog are healthy and that you are aware of any medical problems; otherwise, a medical condition could create unexplainable behaviour making the introduction process more difficult.
  • Throughout all introductions be sure to speak in a calm soothing voice and use both animals’ names.

Use extra caution if you are dealing with puppies or kittens.  Kittens are more likely to be injured by an energetic dog or a predatory dog due to their size and vulnerability when introducing them.  Also keep in mind that a young puppy may be too fast for your adult cat which could lead to injury.

If introductions do not go smoothly, it is best to seek professional help. Your pets can be severely injured in fights and, the longer the problem continues, the harder it can be to resolve. There are veterinary exclusive aids available to help ease the stress for both cats and dogs during introductions. For example, please see our blogs about cat pheromones at  and dog pheromones at In severe cases behavioral intervention may be required.  We encourage you to talk to the staff at Centrepointe Animal Hospital to ensure that you; your cat and new dog are all properly prepared for the first meeting.  With the proper approach, dogs and cats can live together very peacefully.