Laboratory Work
Blood Tests, Fecal Tests, Urinalysis, etc..
Specific junior and senior wellness blood and urine tests and all other diagnostics tests are sent to the top diagnostic provider. Most results are received within 3-5 business days, allowing the veterinarian to provide appropriate treatments. A wellness profile is an easy way for the veterinarian to get an overall picture of your pet’s health whether it’s a new addition to your family or an old friend. Wellness testing can be used to diagnose blood disorders, kidney and liver disease, diabetes, infection, cancer, thyroid disease and other serious health problems.
Fecal centrifugations are performed to test your pet for internal parasites. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and other microscopic intestinal parasites (like Coccidia and Giardia) are relatively common in pets and can cause serious illness.
Urinalysis helps us detect conditions such as diabetes, early kidney problems, urinary crystals, infection or inflammation with the urinary system.
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