Is Your Dog Afraid of Thunderstorms?

A common phobia amongst dogs is the fear of thunderstorms, also known as astraphobia. Having a dog with astraphobia can be challenging but there are ways to manage it and even cure it.

Astraphobia is a progressive behavior disorder, and therefore should be addressed at a young age. When a dog has an illogical fear, such as astraphobia, punishing or ignoring the dog is just adding more negativity to an already unpleasant situation.

One of the most effective methods of countering astraphobia is by conditioning and desensitizing. For example, with the use of a CD with the sound of a storm and your dog’s favourite pastime, you can slowly desensitize your pet. Over several weeks, have your dog listen to the CD while continually rewarding him (favourite toy or treat). Throughout those weeks, gradually increase the volume of the CD. Positive stimuli with any fear can help distract your dog and settle them down.

Your dog should always have a place to hide; after all, fears are scary. Giving your pet a safe spot, such as a crate, will lower their anxiety. Providing comfort can also take the edge off during a storm. Dogs can sense your stress and fear; therefore, stay relaxed and cheerful.
Wrapping your dog in a towel or clothing can help them to feel safe and grounded. Thundershirts work based on that principle. Thundershirts are designed to apply gentle pressure to reduce anxiety. Other products, such as Adaptile, are also available. Adaptile is a synthetic pheromone proven to inhibit anxiety in dogs. Consult your veterinarian for more information about these products. Your veterinarian can also discuss other options for astraphobia. There is a veterinary exclusive diet called Calm that can be prescribed, as well as medication to treat the more severe cases.