Cold Weather and Your Pets

With the bitter cold weather that has settled over Ottawa this week, Centrepointe Animal Hospital would like to to remind pet owners to take additional precautions with their pets.  Outdoor cats should be brought inside.  Older dogs, puppies, short haired  and sick dogs, should be brought out only to relieve themselves.  When taking your dog for a walk, it is recommended that your dog wear booties.   If your dog lifts his paws or stops walking, it’s a clear sign that his tootsies are cold.   If you bring your dog outside in the bitter cold for a longer period, consider fitting them with a sweater or a jacket, especially smaller dogs and breeds with little hair. If your dog starts shivering, bring him inside immediately.  If your dog is showing signs of lethargy, muscle stiffness, continued shivering, and shallow slow breathing, he may be experiencing hypothermia – call your veterinarian immediately.