Travelling With Your Pet

For some lucky pet owners, a car ride is a happy, stress-free occasion that their pet enjoys. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. For a lot of cats and dogs, a car ride is a stressful and unpleasant event. There are certain tactics that you can use to manage this stress and hopefully make travel easier for you and your furry companion.

Ideally, it is best to accustom your pet to travel from an early age. However, even if you haven’t conditioned this behaviour from puppyhood or kittenhood, it is never too late to start! Begin by taking them for short car rides lasting only a few minutes. Always reward your pet with treats so that they associate the ride as a positive experience. Repeat this process multiple times, lengthening the duration of each trip.

If your pet appears to be anxious, bringing along a favorite toy, blanket or article of clothing that smells like home can help them relax. DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) or Feliway (pheromone spray for cats) are products available at your veterinarian’s office that emit the scent of a natural pheromone. These appeasing products can help calm your pet.

Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with additional advice and, for especially nervous pets, can discuss the possibility of prescribing a sedative. Never give your pet human medication without speaking to your veterinarian.

If you are travelling to another country, make sure you have all the proper documentation. To find out what documents are required, contact the country you are about to visit (often, this information can be found online). When requesting health certification for travelling with a pet to another country, the process can take 4-8 weeks, so it is important to prepare in advance. If you are flying, make sure that anything you are bringing on board with your pet complies with airline rules and regulations. Also be sure that your pet is properly covered against potential diseases that may be prevalent in your destination area.

When travelling, security for you and your pet is important. Loose pets can become a distraction and danger while driving, making it essential that they are secure while travelling. For dogs, an appropriate crate or pet seatbelt is recommended. For cats, a carrier is best as they will feel more secure. For useful tips on how to get your cat into a carrier while minimizing stress, see our previous blog: Tips To Get Cat Into Carriers.